Creating and Retaining Loyal Customers Take this short inventory to ascertain what systems or policies are in place to help your company give excellent customer servicing. more...   

A Few Suggestions For What You Can Do Today To Accelerate Your Networking Endeavors Re-connect with existing clients or prospective clients and business associates and colleagues more...

Working A Room as the Savvy Networker In order to take advantage of the countless opportunities you have to make social contacts every day, you must sharpen the art of conversation and the skill of small talk. more...

Phone Experts phone experts know that people are more responsive and attentive when: They feel valued and appreciated. They feel understood and listened to. more...

The Basic Networking Philosophy
Yes, networking contacts are essential to new business development. more...

Cutting-Edge Networking When Working a Room at Meetings Assume the cutting-edge networking attitude by developing aggressive communication skills, aggressive giving skills and aggressive receiving skills. more...

Develop Charisma Possess the mindset of self-worth by being self-valued. Tell yourself: "They need me." more...

Directed Techniques to Deal With the Adrenaline Rush or Nervousness Be prepared to feel, see, talk and think nervousness before and/or during and/or after your presentation. more...    

The Successful Sales Professional The successful sales professional  knows that selling is a buying process. more...
Focus on the New You  
Capture the human spirit of focusing on what is and what can be controlled rather than focusing on what was, could have been, should be, may be more...
Reducing the Stress When Managing People Traditionally, many people managers reinforced the kind of culture in their companies that emphasized money, promotion, salary and benefits when trying to motivate people and nurture loyalty to the business organization. more...

Defining Customer Loyalty
In the 1990’s, the White House Office of Customer Affairs reported that 96% of customers who are dissatisfied with service switch to different providers and vendors.  They do NOT complain, they merely switch.  more...
‘You Asked for It’ - A Potpourri of Informational Tidbits
This time of year – the time that invites us to slow down and re-assess –
may be a good starting point for us to re-assess our goals,
relationships, timetables, focus, and most of all  re-assess our chosen ways of living our lives.

Public Speaking: Effective Presentation Skills - A Planning Overview for Extemporaneous Speakers Speaking success takes focus, commitment, and careful preparation. Find out all you can about you and your comfort zones as a speaker, about the audience, the occasion, timing, more...

Public Speaking: Effective Presentation Skills:  Important Steps to Take When Planning-Delivering-Evaluating Effective Speaking Presentations Speaking success takes focus, commitment, and careful preparation. Find out all you can about you and your comfort zones as a speaker, about the audience, the occasion, timing, more...

Public Speaking: The Most Commonly Asked Questions-What every Person Wants to Know but is Afraid to Ask Speaking success takes focus, commitment, and careful preparation. Find out all you can about you and your comfort zones as a speaker, about the audience, the occasion, timing, more...

Public Speaking - Part II The most challenging and longest part to delivering an effective presentation that is inspiring,  well received and goal-focused is to plan that kind of speech presentation.  more...

Selling on the Phone
Phone experts deal with people on a daily basis and know that this can be challenging and stressful. more...
Intra-corporate (Workplace) Networking In the  21st century, everyone in the company is expected to contribute to the survival, expansion and growth of that business organization in the marketplace. more...

Cutting-edge networkers are reaching higher levels of networking by adding to clever positioning within the marketplace.  They have established action plans as answers to the following strategic questions. more...
Strategic Self Controls: Maintaining Your Professional Cool
Basic Self-Controls To Interact Effectively With People And How To Avoid The Biggest Breakdown In Communication. more...

The Backbone of our Economy: The Selling Professional Today’s challenging and outreaching economy creates the kind of  business environment in which all of us are selling professionals.  more...