Develop Charisma

1. Possess the mindset of self-worth by being self-valued. Tell yourself: "They need me." "They need to know me - what I do - who I know - what I know." They are lucky I am here."

2. Credibility is earned by influencing others to perceive you as having ethics, knowledge, and dynamic appeals. Send others impressive messages about yourself.

3. Project a stage presence of power, confidence, and competence. Read the nonverbal cues you send when communicating with others. Ask this check question: what am I really communicating when I stop listening to my words?

4. Project a stage presence of power, confidence, and competence. Use assertive, focused, and precise verbal cues to project this presence. Ask yourself this check question: what do my words (language) communicate about me (my attitudes, my open-mindedness, my confidence, my knowledge, etc.)?

5. Become people sensitive AND people sensible. Know what motivates people to listen and be more responsive.

6. Develop and use effective listening strategies. Make it safe and comfortable for people to share in your presence.

7. Refine the art of conversation. Chisel the stone of conversation into a statue of people feeling good about being in your presence by stimulating them to talk about their favorite topic: themselves.

8. Become a student of human nature and interpersonal communication strategies. A successful person is one who keeps raising the bar of knowledge when it comes to interacting with others.

9. Establish a credible presence by being perceived as an expert in your field. Write - speak publicly - participate in the business and professional communities to create the image of expertise that is visible and available to others.

10. Every day make one less mistake than you did the day before. Seek out those opportunities for self-growth and self-enhancement. Move yourself to the next level by believing in yourself. This enables others to believe in you, and, therefore, invites them to be influenced by you.

ŠPeople Communication Skills, LLC 4/2001